Upcoming Events

Our Taxes, Our Future: City and School Budget Event

Our Taxes, Our Future: City and School Budget Event

You're invited! Join the City of Winooski and the Winooski School District to learn more about the budgets you will vote on during the Town Meeting Dayelection.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 4 PM @ the O'Brien Community Center (32 Malletts Bay Ave)

This event is possible through our partnership with the Winooski Partnership for Prevention. 

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to Jan 18

On demand showing of Screenagers: Elementary School Edition

Watch from your own home on your own time! RSVP here to get the movie link sent to your email on January 5, 2025: https://forms.gle/G1h1v1FHAYFGkSAP6

Screenagers: Elementary School Edition. This movie is geared towards parents, but is appropriate for ages 10 and up (in our humble assessment - you know your family best!).

After the film, consider signing the “Away for the Day” pledge and share ideas with us about how to de-emphasize screens for the young people in your lives.

Trailer here: https://www.screenagersmovie.com/about-screenagers-elementary

This new version of the original Screenagers movie addresses issues that elementary school aged kids, parents and educators are facing, i.e., smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures, exposure too young and what research shows is a healthy amount of screen time. With many solutions to these and other challenges.

Runtime: 55 Minutes

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Movie Night! Screenagers: Elementary School Edition

Movie Night! Screenagers: Elementary School Edition

Location: Winooski School District auditorium, aka the PAC

Join us on Thursday 12/12 for a showing of Screenagers: Elementary School Edition. This movie is geared towards parents, but is appropriate for ages 10 and up (in our humble assessment - you know your family best!).

Refreshments from Misery Loves Company will be served (read: heavy snacks but not "dinner" per se).

After the film, we’ll have a discussion about what we can do as a community to support our young people. Parents and caretakers will have an opportunity to sign onto the “Away for the Day” pledge and come away with ideas to de-emphasize screentime for young people.

RSVP here (preferred, but not required!): https://forms.gle/MixLveuBqVYhLFbF6

Trailer here: https://www.screenagersmovie.com/about-screenagers-elementary

This new version of the original Screenagers movie addresses issues that elementary school aged kids, parents and educators are facing, i.e., smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures, exposure too young and what research shows is a healthy amount of screen time. With many solutions to these and other challenges. ‍

Runtime: 55 Minutes

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City of Winooski Memorial Park Clean Up!

Let’s get people out to clean up our parks! Lots of litter is age-restricted product litter, like cigarette butts, alcohol containers, vape cartridges, and lottery cards. This is a great opportunity to talk about the impact of these products on our natural environment and how to minimize that impact.

Sign up through Winooski Community Services: https://winooskivt.gov/FormCenter/Community-Services-8/Winooski-Park-Trail-Cleanup-Days-Volunte-100

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WPP Coalition Meeting

WPP Coalition Meeting

RESCHEDULED from Oct 22 — now happening on Nov 7th, 3:30-5
Fall Coalition Meeting
RSVP here: https://forms.gle/291H4gB1qeZcn5xL7

During this meeting you’ll hear from health department staff who will review data from their youth risk behavior survey, and you’ll hear from Winooski Partnership for Prevention staff about data from the annual youth survey on substance use. How do they relate to each other? What questions do they bring up for you? What do Winooski youth think about these data and what they mean? Come discuss with us!

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O'Brien Community Center Clean Up Day

In coordination with Champlain Housing Trust (CHT), join WPP coalition members for a Clean Up Day at the O’Brien Community Center! Our Community Center deserves some love.

CHT staff will provide snacks and beverages.

Projects include trash clean-up on the grounds & into the neighborhoods, repainting parking lot arrows, pressure-wash parts of the building & walkways, & paint & refresh the gym.

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City of Winooski Casavant Park Clean Up!

Let’s get people out to clean up our parks! Lots of litter is age-restricted product litter, like cigarette butts, alcohol containers, vape cartridges, and lottery cards. This is a great opportunity to talk about the impact of these products on our natural environment and how to minimize that impact.

Sign up through Winooski Community Services: https://winooskivt.gov/FormCenter/Community-Services-8/Winooski-Park-Trail-Cleanup-Days-Volunte-100

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Alcohol Interventions Discussion

WPP is hosting an Alcohol Interventions Discussion to share more about our recent data findings from our Substance Use Assessment Report for Winooski, learn about the substance use issues your organization is currently seeing across the communities you work with, and collaborate on needed change.


This session will be held on Wednesday, August 7th, from 1pm-2:30pm. Registration Link

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Winooski Partnership for Prevention Coalition Meeting

Network, hear from Winooski youth, get informed, & learn about upcoming action opportunities.


*If you're able to make this meeting, please fill out this form.*

Any questions? Email Marielle at mmatthews@winooskiprevention.org

If you have any difficulty filling out this form, please call and leave a message on our office voicemail,


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to Dec 31

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Two of the most celebrated days of the year, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, also are among the most deadly. That's why December has been recognized as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Taking personal responsibility for a safe ride saves lives. Learn more here

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Great American Smoke Out

For more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November. This yearly event is a call for action, not just for one day, but year-round. Learn more here

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to Nov 30

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November marks Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Despite significant advancements in treatment, lung cancer still stands as the foremost cause of cancer-related deaths, surpassing prostate, breast, and colon cancers combined. Let's come together to increase awareness, support research, and provide hope for those affected by this challenging disease. Learn more here

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to Oct 31

National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month

During National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month, we shine a light on the critical need for depression awareness and accessible mental health screenings. Depression's complex nature involves a blend of environmental, genetic, psychological, and biochemical factors, affecting individuals uniquely. Don't suffer in silence – if you or someone you care about might be struggling, seek professional help and a screening. Remember, depression is treatable, but a personalized approach is key to recovery. Let's prioritize mental health and take that essential step towards well-being. Learn more here

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July Farmers Market

July Farmers Market

Join WPP at the Winooski Farmer’s Market from 10am - 2pm! Check out art, handcrafted jewellery, spirits and more! Go to downtownwinooski.org for more info!

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